How to Measure Medical Student’s Readiness to Artificial Intelligence Age
Are the medical students ready to artificial intelligence age? Do you know what is the readiness level of medical students in your medical school?
Artificial intelligence permeated into healthcare year by year. Wide range of medical field has been influenced by AI. While it is evident that it won’t stop, it is doubtful that artificial intelligence would overtake physicians entirely. But it is possible to see that it will transform what being physician is.
To be ready to being a physician transformed by AI, it is essential to understand the basics and foundations of AI. If so, are the medical students ready to do this? Do you know what is the readiness level of medical students in your medical school?
To help you to answer these questions, Turkish researchers have developed a scale to measure the medical students’ medical artificial intelligence readiness. The study has been published in BMC Medical Education journal.
The scale consists of twenty-two brief statements that allows students to rate their readiness that they perceive. In the scale, they select one of the five options between strongly disagree and strongly agree for each one of the statements. This scale has four factors which are Cognition, Ability, Vision, and Ethics. The first eight questions measure the student’s cognitive readiness in terms of terminological knowledge about medical artificial intelligence applications. The next eight questions are to measure perceived ability to apply or use AI technologies and applications. While the next three reveal the student’s vision about AI, the last three are about ethical side of using AI.
The scale is totally useful. By implementing this scale in your medical school, you will have found a great opportunity to explore your students’ readiness about medical artificial intelligence.
Don’t hesitate to measure. Every development starts with spotting lack of something. If you would find low levels of readiness, you could embark on designing an instruction about AI for your students. By doing so, your medical students would become strong for the future that will be transformed by AI. But first, you should measure the readiness.
I left the article and the scale at the description below the video:
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