Entrance to Medical School in Spain | Medical Education in Spain #1
Hi and Hola para amigos! Here is your host, Medical Education Flamingo.
Today we gonna talk about Spain and its cultural and geographic beauties. Oh, no, it’s not our subject. Spain is great country with rich historical background, yes, but this channel is not about that, the subject is entrance to medical schools in Spain.
What questions we gonna answer in this video?
In Spain,
What is the process for Spanish students to enter a medical school?
What is the financial cost of studying medicine?
How many medical schools are there?
And, there is an interesting information related to those who are over forty years old. Wait for it!
Let’s dive into deep.
In Spain, to apply a medical school, first of all, you must complete the primary and secondary education. And then you continue your education in high school or vocational training school.
Once you finished one of them, congratulations, you can apply for the entrance to university. Quite likely, you are at least seventeen or eighteen years old when you reach this level. As you see, the life is flowing with high speed.
You completed high school and you want to enter a medical school. Great! But you have to be successful enough in exams. Entering medical school is not easy folks! Around three hundred thousand students take the exams. However, not all of them pursue medical school entrance.
Every year, around twenty five thousand students wish to enter medical school but there are forty two medical schools and in total just seven thousand empty seats in these schools as of two thousand eighteen. Maybe they’ve opened more medical schools in last years. The numbers and all information are from two thousand eighteen.
There is no centralized system to register to medical schools. Students apply for the pre-registration to the medical schools as many as possible to ensure their admission at least one.
There were attempts to establish a national system that not necessitates students to apply several medical schools but some autonomous communities rejected this kind of system because of fear of losing autonomy.
Out of forty two medical schools, thirty one of them are public whereas eleven are private. Tuitions are different in the schools.
In public schools, tuitions differ between seven hundred and twenty five hundred euros per year. As you can anticipate, private schools are more expensive,: between eleven thousand and twenty one thousand euros per year. In addition, private schools are authorized to establish their own admission criteria and the admission processes are not much transparent. It probably means that if you pay the bill, you can take the position.
Weird, isn’t it?
There are some interesting points as well. There are some quotas for some special students. Two percent of the seats for medical schools are reserved for those who are over twenty five years of age.
It’s not too weird but if we come to the most interesting point, that the medical education flamingo mentioned before, we see that one percent of the medical school positions is for over forty years and the other one percent is for, hold your breath, over forty five years of age.
I don’t know what the decision makers’ purpose to do something like that. If you are in Spain and you are over forty or forty five, you have a great chance to enter a medical school. Try your chance by taking exams. If you seek more information I left my source to the description below.
Wait a minute, I need your help.
If you are from Spain, please, let me know if some changes happened on entrance system or there are some mistakes.
Write them in comments section of my YouTube video.
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See you and adios para amigos!
And also, don’t forget the flamingos.